- Again and again the conversation I hear returns to the social concerns of today's American society - Marriage, Abortion, Social Welfare, Family Values, Broadcast Decency, Ethics.
- This is often coupled with a sound-bite driven summary of fiscal issues - Overspending, Earmarks, Taxation, Economic Inequality, International Support, National Debt, Job Creation, Recession, Trade Agreements.
- With a smattering of ethical issues - Campaign Financing, Career Politicians, Cronyism, Lobbyist Interest, Pork Barrel Spending, Party (Dis-)Loyalty, Redistricting.
"State of the Christian Union"
These are all very valuable topics for discussion that need to be addressed through informed and respectful dialogue. I argue that we must not focus on the legislation or a political solution but on a "soul-ution." We must make this a matter of salvation not of legislation. Doing so we can understand how to address complex, urgent issues of government including finances, ethics, and national defense.
In fact, in doing some self examination I have begun to believe that I would have a hard time ever being elected to office. (Aside from not being independently wealthy and unable to finance such a campaign of my own) I have accepted that I tend to be, what some would call, a moderate independent when it comes to my political affiliation. I think my views on government finances and oversight paired with my concern for conservative social values would not garner me many votes on ethical issues alone, especially from my closest Christian family and non-Christian co-workers.
This has caused me to profoundly question why that would be? Why would a fellow christian ever support me for an office? What platform would I campaign on? Then an even deeper question arose, what should be the political conversation for Christians?
I think that after 232 years since the ratification of the Constitution, and long before, Christians have wrestled with the proper role of religion for our governing leaders. We appear to continue to be divided between finding a good national political leader and a good Christian. It seems these are often mutually exclusive because of our own political expectations.
We often look to these leaders to be steadfast, to never change, to never compromise and we label that conviction. I will discuss this later but I fundamentally disagree with the concept that a good Christian leader does not change. If they do not change, they do not learn. If they do not fail, they do not grow. If they do not understand the true essence of compromise, how can they ever build a spirit of unity or make any progress? (See Forbes article on Failed Executive Habits for a good example)
It also seems to me that too often we are looking towards legislation to shape and define our country, to "save" our country as some have said. To many Christians, the social concerns of today are dangerously and irreparably close to impacting our country's future. As a result, they look to enact or preserve legislation that prevents or criminalizes certain activities. However, I argue that addressing these social issues through legislation does not make our culture a Christian one, it does not lead to cultural revival. We must remember that legislation does not save souls and we, as Christian, are called to be servants and soul winners first and citizens last.
The fundamental issue is a soul issue. The state of our society isn't a result of us having laws that are more permissive, secular, or tolerant. Our society is suffering from a heart condition of the spiritual kind and until we as Christians can stop focusing on the legislation and start focusing on the salvation of those around us we will never see true revival or change in our society. Our government is a reflection of the people - disengaged, dependent, and discouraged. If we hope to see America regain it's old glory, hope and respect within the domestic and international community we must work to turn hearts to the One who made America that way.
We have failed in our political conversation. We have been captured by vain philosophies of politics and debate and have lost the dignity of our calling. The abortion rate, marriage rate, domestic violence rate, drug use, and public assistance rates are all directly related to health of the family. Our churches are failing to build strong families in the current day and age. We have to get intentional about our work. We cannot rely on Sunday's and Wednesdays to sustain families. We cannot look to Pastors and Deacons alone to counsel and support our families. We cannot wait until a couple is separated to try and intervene (or tolerate the "taking of sides"). The most important ministry in a church has to be the ministry to families, hands down. Without it, churches will fail, society will crumble, America will lose all favor. Research has shown that how much you make has a greater impact on preventing divorce than being involved in a church. This has to change, there is no losing or coming up short here if we want to see America remain a Christian nation.
This can no longer be a Red vs Blue, Tea vs Occupy, Conservative vs Liberal debate. We have to make this a salvation conversation. Just as we don't expect a stranger to love your family, we cannot expect unsaved and spiritually lost to live, govern, or vote like Christians either. I'm not calling for an authoritarian government where political leaders must act and live like Christians, rather I'm calling upon Christians to act and live like authentic Christians and accept their first call and turn to their first love.
I call for a revival, a wildfire of the Holy Spirit to spread in hearts and minds of believers and unbelievers.

Pray continually, for those hurting and those rejoicing.
- A Healthy Body
Pray for the body of Christ, pray that we are healed with a common cause under a common banner of revival. Pray for a unified effort, one of truth, righteousness, hope, and love. Pray for those who have turned away, who are blind and have forgotten their sins forgiven and cannot see afar off. Pray for thanksgiving, rejoicing in the blessing and gifts of our Father, his mercy, his grace, his providential and omnipotent hand upon us. - God-lead Leadership
Pray for our current political leadership, their wisdom, their peace, their love of God. Pray for our spiritual leaders that they are protected and guided by God, encouraged and surrounded by a hedge of caring believers, their families blessed with patience, understanding, and love.
- Be Ready
As Daniel and the young captives of Israel, we must put ourselves wholly to learning of the one we serve. We must be ready to lead, to govern, to minister as the princes and rulers of the King of Kings. But before we can govern others, we must learn to rule our own souls. How can I be changed or improved if I don't know anything is lacking? - Be Challenged
Our country continues to turn to the scriptures for comfort and encouragement in times of despair but not for correction. I cannot slight anyone because I know my own struggles with spiritual growth and repentance. I would choose to taste of the sweet honey of the word than drink the bitter tea of my convictions. - Be Sharpened
Challenge and sharpen one another in the Bible, we must train as any athlete or champion to prepare for the race and calling ahead. Without this training we will come up short every time. We must look to new training practices, new approaches, new techniques to make us ready to answer anyone on the reason for the hope within us. - Be Current
Athletes are constantly looking for tools, techniques that will give them the edge in their training and we must be doing the same. We must take advantage of this modern age of technology and information to spread the gospel farther, faster, broader than any other time in history.
- A Strong Body We must learn to live as a body, learn to disagree and move on, learn to find agreement and capitalize on it, build on our strengths and strengthen our weaknesses. For far to long we have let ourselves get in the way of ourselves and the work God has planned for us. We have to get our own house in order before we can expect our nation to do so. If we have a hard time budgeting for a year and conducting business together how do we expect 300 million Americans to come together to secure our future? This starts with communication and structure. We need to start communicating and stop avoiding conflict. Our avoidance of the conflicts have created much more strife and bitterness than ever needs to be within the body of Christ. A relationship that has not worked through conflict at some point is like a ship's hull that has not been tried before it launched, as soon as a storm arises, it breaks apart. We cannot be afraid to ask the tough questions, have the tough conversations, and know that the relationship we have in Christ is greater then our struggles, it is greater then our conflict.
- A Connected Body
We must work together, the body of Christ is not divided by cities and we must learn to embrace others outside of our walls and learn from them. We must sharpen our skills both from within our local fellowships and from outside of them. This is how we strengthen the joints that Christ connects and supplies. Without those connections we cannot hope to see the gospel spread if we continue to contain it within our own comfortable circles. We must be bold and speak in the synagogues as Paul did, we must go to the people, we must seek them out and bring them into the fold. (Join the God Bless America Crusade - Hampton, VA, Feb1-3) - A Growing Body
First-time visitors and new converts should not be a surprise to our churches but expected at every gathering. We must prepare for growth, position ourselves to be overflowing with new believers. What is the capacity of your church and are you ready to grow? What is your growth plan? Are you praying and preparing for when God will provide an answer?
Will you take up my challenge and change our conversation and turn to our first love and first calling. God has promised results, we need to do our part: 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chr 7:14)