Inaugural Post - Not an Easy Decision

As President-Elect Obama makes preparations for his inauguration next month, the anxiety of he and his speech writers must be high. This historic election will be viewed on an international stage amidst a backdrop of economic fear, ongoing war, and high social tensions. While he is a skilled orator, no amount of preparation can prepare him for this moment in his life.
I am not the President-Elect, not preparing to become the leader of one of the most powerful
countries in the world, and not sharing my vision for where the country should go in the next four years. This shouldn't be a surprise, but wanted to make it clear. Nevertheless, writing your "inaugural blog" is a daunting task. It sets the tone, the vision and expectation for what is to come. With that said, lets get into it...

Citizens, friends, and neighbors I ask you today to listen with me.
  • Listen with me to others in our communities to find out our needs, hopes, dreams and aspirations.

  • In listening, discover what they have to offer through their skills, time, ability, knowledge, and history.

  • In discovering, share what you have in common, those connections that make us a society, a civilization, citizens of a nation.

  • As you share, be moved to act to meet the needs of others by giving of the skills you have and the influence you have to create change.

  • Through action, be mindful of others, acting not out of pride or self-gain but through service, humility and concern.

  • As you are mindful of others be reminded to listen to ensure you heard what they said at the beginning.

Go. Make a difference, have faith, and build hope.

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