Healthy Families - Our Top Priority in Virginia

I have an urgent personal request for those who care about families and children throughout the state. 

I am a new board member on Hampton's Healthy Families Partnership Inc. the non-profit resource arm of Hampton's Healthy Families Partnership that provides prenatal support, parenting education, an in home services to hundreds of families throughout Hampton.

However, the programs are facing funding reductions from the State for a third consecutive year.The House Budget Committee has proposed to divert sales tax revenues to transportation projects rather than look at raising the fixed gas tax after almost 20 years or looking at other funding options.

I believe this short-sighted approach to cutting one of the most successful prevention programs in the entire state to fund transportation needs will only lead to greater burdens on our communities through treatment, intervention, and rehabilitation programs in the next 10 years. It is impossible to dispute the power of a healthy start for our children in seeing our communities and even our country continue to be leaders within the world. Parenting and early childhood education are some of the key factors in bringing the crime rate to lowest it has been in decades, seeing more students college bound, and having a region who's economy has weathered the recession better than many others. Stable and strong families are the key to stable and strong community and  Healthy Families is the leading agency in providing services to ensure that.

Here is why I believe deeply in this organization's unique role in the community. 

  • They provide research based information and support that faith-based organizations cannot provide such as prenatal education preparing parents for labor and delivery. They can also leverage broad community resources, regardless of denomination, to support the neediest in our community.
  • They help create support networks for numerous military families that don't have family nearby. They provide educational offerings and by create safe places for parents, grandparents and children to interact and learn. 
  • They offer prevention services to families from all backgrounds, income levels, and situations, with a proven track record for success (See this example from Lynchburg)
Personally, they provided Rachel and I excellent information and support both prior to and through the sudden loss of our first child and in preparing for the birth of of our son. I also have many friends who have benefited from their programming, from classes, support groups, play groups, to new parent visits.

I ask that you to simply contact one of the Virginia Delegates below by either email or phone. I called yesterday on my way home from work, it is as easy as that. Our delegates need to hear from you and know that they need to restore the funding to the Healthy Family programs before our communities see more major set backs in prevention services. Below is a list of House Budget Conferees that I was provided:

House Budget Conferees
Del. Lacey Putney
Del. Kirk Cox
Del. Chris Jones
Del. Steve Landes
Del. Beverly Sherwood
Del. Johnny Joannou
NO EMAIL  Fax # 804-786-6310

When calling please ask them to:
"Please support restoration of funding for Healthy Families. Cutting funding for these programs puts more Virginia children at risk."  Please do your small part to ensure the future of the families in our communities are a little brighter.

More Information on Hampton's Healthy Families Partnership:

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